The check constraint can be used for predicative assertions on rows.
You could use it as a hook for spec or malli, or some inline validation.
You can either use relic expressions as a check, or a map to override error messages.
[[:from :Person]
[:check [string? :name]]]
;; or a map if you want a cleaner error
[[:from :Person]
[:check {:pred [string? :name]
:error "All people must have a string :name"}]]
;; you can mix and match multiple check constraints
;; (they run left to right)
[[:from :Person]
[:check [string? :name] [nat-int? :age]]]
;; the :error key actually takes a relic expression (or function like always!)
;; so you can get really fancy, (think malli / expound errors!)
[[:from :Person]
[:check {:pred [string? :name]
:error [str "Expected a string :name, got " [type :name]]}]]